As i Write this message, i come to tears, for i have found what had been long lost within me, Once as a child i remember playing this game that now after a decade and a few years ive found its name, creator and artist, Scratch the Bounty Hunter, the Game that literally inspired me to Make 148 Factions and Start Drawning, after so long ive found it thanks to a reddit post ive made back when i still had reddit, i saw a reply by somebody and i also want to thank them, thanks Super_Hydra12 a lot, i cannot describe how gratefull i am for your assist, if somebody could message him this, i would be thankfull, i also want to thank Joey Betz and Justin Redfield for making Such a Nostalgic game that Literally inspired me all those years, that just made me remind of the name once more, i'm very Excited Right now, for this game were one of the few that inspired me in making Everything i do now, This game, intrusion 2 (and the first one), Syrsa aka Benjamin's stuff and More...!
heres a few Screenshots ive took of the game and ive finished it, my long lost journey is complete, and now lets see the rest of the years to come!
(i forgot to screenshot the underground, sewer and white area)
and finnaly the credits...!
this game felt it had more lore put into it, because its too short, also the boss wasnt fighting back, i wonder if this game had a sequel, or a prequel or maybe a comic, but with this now finished i just wanted now to say...