Congrats on getting your twt suspended
i am Mentally Retarded please have mercy
Nuke the Whales
Its true
antisocial 👁ω👁
kill everyone 8345 B.C
im a evil person i think
free money printer machine
Commissions Closed
A-Rated stuff in my favs, beware
Age 761, Bighorn Ram
Occasional Artist
St. John Sheeperton the Fourth
Zozoba 2
Joined on 12/16/21
Congrats on getting your twt suspended
old news
i dont even know what got my twitter suspended cuz like, i just posted drawnings never comment nothin lol
what a fucking W
animation braba ae ein, me lembrou dos anos 2000 os cara rico tinha uns celularzinho com camera ae gravava a qualidade saia bem assim e nois "KRRRRRRRRL q foda"